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What is a podcast?

A podcast is an Internet radio program that is distributed online for free or for a fee, and can be listened to anytime, anywhere.

In recent years podcasts have become a breakthrough in terms of branding and recruiting new customers, as they present a number of clear benefits.


* They are not charged for a fixed broadcast time as in a regular radio program.

* They are available for listening 24/7.

* They are accessible to anyone at any given time, and can be listened to at any time via phone or computer.

* Podcasts are free to deal with any topic in the world, and are considerably cheaper compared to producing TV shows, and they are not committed to listening or rating data as is done in regular radio shows.

* In addition, through enhanced podcast programs you can collaborate with colleagues from anywhere around the globe.

* Unlike the slightly different standard advertising types, the degree of success of business advertising through podcasts can be fully measured.

There are accurate commercial tools that provide the clear information about the amount of people who listened to each program, when to download a link to the program and through which link.

At the end of 2020, Spotify published data it collected regarding listening to podcasts in Israel. These indicated a jump of 148% in the number of listeners to podcasts compared to 2019, so this is an industry growing by leaps and bounds.

The podcast, producing podcasts for businesses, recording a podcast, creating a podcast, how to make a podcast, what are podcasts, a recording studio, how to record a podcast, podcast equipment, recommended podcasts

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