My own podcast, why do I owe it to myself?
The digital world that has evolved and continues to reinvent itself every year leaves no more room for doubt.
Every company, business and service provider must have a personal podcast program.
If you still do not understand why, here are some points that will clarify the importance and need.

In an age where every product and every service is tested by the end consumer between 15 and 25 times until he makes the final decision, the ability of a personal, friendly and intimate podcast program to break down barriers and encourage the end consumer to choose you and your product is unprecedented.
The great advantage of a podcast program is the ability to listen to it, or excerpts from it over and over again, from anywhere, at any time.
The podcast is no longer a regular sales or marketing tool, but the best way to embark on a personal journey with your customer base, to evolve with them together. In what other way can you share the stories, thoughts, dilemmas and processes that happen in your company, and make your customers a part of it?
True, it is always possible to write content and publish it on the company page, Facebook, blog or other media, and other media, but the time you will have to spend writing all of these can take weeks. What’s more the developer team of your products don’t like to write, they prefer to code, while your sales people are busy with the sale itself, not beyond.
Beyond that, there is a huge difference between being able to express and convey the message and emotion in words, as opposed to saying them, in your own voice, without filters, but in a completely authentic way. Your podcast is simply a conversation, where you can share your expertise and story with the general public.
The podcast connects everyone who matters to you:
The ideal clients, experts in the field, industry leaders, prospects, partners, all can be part of the show, be hosted and talk to you in the program.
Through the podcast you can directly track the number of listeners.
If you are good, you will gain their trust, they will buy from you or ask for your service, and will recommend it to others as well.
We can present your first podcast in a few days, let's get started.

this is how you will increase your audience
One topic from the "Ten Commandments" of a business podcast program concerns the importance of consistency, with the overarching recommendation being that you should record and upload another episode each week.
A comprehensive study conducted on the frequency of dozens of different and varied podcast programs in Israel and around the world, indicated one clear conclusion, as the frequency increases and consistency is maintained, the number of listens increases.
why? Several reasons.
First, because the audience is getting used to the program that it follows on a weekly basis, it helps to maintain and build a loyal audience.
The second, algorithm and optimization. Once the podcast rises regularly, the podcast's ranking is higher on the storage servers and applications that require and prioritize consistent and clear podcasts.
Knowing that a large audience of listeners is waiting for your show regularly and at pre-determined times, it will make you much sharper and committed to speaking, naturally the quality of the show will go up accordingly.